
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Hey Y'all! Welcome to my very first blog posting! (I got here as fast as I could) If you're a friend/family member you know I've been going back and forth with my blog, as well as when it was going to be available for looksies, well that time is today! Since most of you will be passerby's or just generally intrigued people about my content, I figure you should get to know who I am. I've picked out 5 traits about me, good or bad, as well as things I'm passionate about and laid them out here. If you're going to continue reading my blog, these are MUST know facts about me/my life.

  1. I'm an opinionated person. - Why? Well mainly because my thoughts and mind is my own. The knowledge that gets soaked up from the books, the resourceful articles, and lets not forget life's lessons; Let's me realize that I'm more than just someone to smile and be pretty. Let's set the record straight, I don't go as far as Joan Rivers (R.I.P) does when it comes to saying everything that was on her mind, but I do have a stance on issues in this crazy world. I'm not like a  Jehovah's  Witness going from door to door, I only put my input when it's needed and respectfully.
  2. Even though I am an opinionated person, I try to not let the social of social media turn me into a judgemental crazy lady. Seeing as how I was bullied throughout middle/high school. There will be no room for cyber bullying on this blog, towards me or anyone who decides to comment in this blog/follow twitter/ect. This blog is my safe haven for me and for other independent women who are interested in a thing or two of what I'm interested in. (It's National Bullying prevention month, so I figured I'd work this in there.)
  3. When I'm not speaking out against bullies, I'm generally at home taking care of my house hold: My husband (Airforce) and Dog (Aria). I'm a huge supporter of our Military and Animals. What can I say, my dog is my best friend and anyone who would take a bullet for me is alright in my book!
  4. Speaking of books, I'm a writer. In a very loose sense, I'm currently working on my first book and whenever I'm going through something, I reach for the closest journal. It is very often that 99% of the time I am listening to Country music while I'm writing.
  5. Which brings me to my next point, COUNTRY MUSIC IS LIFE. At least, it is my life. There's a song for every thing I've been through in my young age and so far throughout my adulthood. I'm a HUGE concert fan, minus all the drunk people and all the people punching you in your boob every time they move. I will camp out for concert tickets like it's black friday...I'm not even exaggerating. (You'll hear about my obsession with Nashville and Bluebird Cafe a time or two)
So if I haven't scared you off just yet with my need to over share lol then I'm happy you're here! Even though I'm all 5 of these and much more, I promise you won't be disappointed in the things to come. I'm sure y'all will be even more excited when I start designing the actual t-shirts. Stay tuned. ;)

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