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Us on Our Wedding Day - Photo Credit: Kristy Roderick Photography |
I was married on August 17, 2013, both my husband and I at age 21 and even though I didn't know what to expect I know I made the right decision for me. I've seen various blog postings by other people about why getting married is and isn't great. Everyone and their opinion about the matter is going to be different and I personally respect that, if you're not ready you're not ready, but also keep in mind to be respectful of others who do want to get married young. Honestly, I have had some pretty mean things said to me about the matter myself. Mostly from irrelevant people in my life but still none the less it got talked about.
Here's the thing with each of my relationships regardless of how serious or not they were I learned a lot about myself. I always felt like my friends were on different paths, and yes even a lot of them got pregnant or married even before me. It's very easy to fall prey of the pressures of everyone around you wanting to get married or having kids at such a young age. However, I just wanted someone who loved me back. I found that in my husband, Tyler, and the more time went on and we started talking about him going to basic training and him moving away we had to come to the decision of either me staying there and barely seeing each other or getting married and me going with him.
We talked about it before he proposed, so yes, I somewhat knew I was going to be proposed to just had no idea when. About a month before he left, on Easter Sunday of 2013 we got engaged, I oddly enough announced it on April fools day and found it chuckle worthy of having to explain it's not a joke that we very much were engaged. I think everyone believed me once the photo went up, that and I was still going with it the next day. Even though I knew we talked about it and everything the proposal was one of the most romantic things I had ever had the pleasure of knowing in my lifetime. It rained just before we hopped in one of the pods of the Sky Wheel in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and he just simply asked me to take his hand in marriage. I think real love and love in movies are very different things, but they are both still magic.
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Us During his BMT Graduation Weekend |
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Christmas 2014 Knipes Family Photo |
So if you're asking me do I regret it, No. Do I feel like I'm missing out on everything? No. The great thing about being married so young is you're experiencing everything together and although it may not be for everyone. I can honestly say it was very much enough for us. The rings on my finger mean more to me than just a vow on a wedding day I plan to keep my promise on loving him for as long as he'll let me. He has blessed me with the crazy adventure that we are on with the Airforce and our little fur kid, Aria, and for that I'm forever grateful. My advice to you is to ignore what other people say about it not making you happy, only you know what makes you happy. You know your heart better than anyone else. Listen to it and pay attention to the little things your partner does. If you feel safe, happy, and like you can see yourself with that person 50 years down the road, I say go for it. Have a great weekend everyone. :)
Who cares what people say or think. Like you said only you truly knows what makes you happy. I look up to you and Tyler. I'm sure yall have yalls up and down just like ever one else does but yall over come them, and yall seem to just be right for each other. I love looking at yalls picture, and love reading a bout the things that yall go through. You being a military wife, my question would be how do you do it? I would go crazy not being able to see him 24/7 I'm sure there are nights you have to do without him in your arms, I'm the type that has to have them arms around me to fall asleep at night. My anxiety would probably get the best of me. How do you deal with that? That was always my fear of being with someone in the military or him being a fire fighter for that matter, I mean we all take risks every day but that is their everyday job. I know that you can't let that stop you from loving the person you love, but your heart loves who it loves. I don't care what people say you and Tyler are great together......<3
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words sweetheart! :) Well Big A, like I said previously in the blog, a big test was during his BMT you only got letters and a few phone calls if the other kids in the squadron didn't do anything to mess it up for the rest of them. I didn't know how I would do honestly because I had never been away from someone I was really serious with. I have dealt with that kind of anxiety myself which is why I was dating the wrong kind of guys. A lot of guys don't understand that some girls deal with real problems and it's not always about being clingy or controlling. How I dealt with him being away at BMT and him training and me spending a month by myself while he got me in the system as his spouse before I could meet him here is I kept myself busy (I worked pretty much a good bit of the time he was at BMT), I skyped him if I could while he was at Tech School, and honestly despite the distance those letters were some of the best memories we have, just the joy in getting each others letters and still making that connection being apart, that's when I knew he was truly the one. Like I said I felt that connection more in a letter over sitting at dinner with any other boy that came and went in my life. I think you just kind of have to find something productive to throw your time into to pass the time and even if you have to snuggle with his jacket on those lonely nights, like I did, then go for it. You're going to be just fine, I have faith. :) XOXO N